The most popular animation series on television ‘The Simpsons’ is all set to stage a comeback in the near future. According to reports in the media, ‘The Simpsons’ family will be on our television sets for the 23rd season in the year 2012. And this time Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie and the rest of the Simpsons family plan to spend a longer time with us as Fox has already announced more than a 500 episode series this season.
Considering that ‘The Simpsons’ has already been one of the most popular animated series on television, the producers are expecting a good response from the 23rd edition of the show as well. Representatives from Fox predict that ‘The Simpsons’ will go on to be one of the most watched soaps after it begins airing in 2012. And it is keeping this fact in mind that Fox has decided to place ‘The Simpsons’ on primetime slot during the 23rd season.
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