Codex LogoCodex Digital, the leading developer of digital media recorders and media management systems for film and television production, today announces that film and digital camera maker ARRI has awarded it an ARRIRAW T-Link (Transport Link) certificate confirming the ability of its recorders to record raw data from the ARRI Alexa film-style camera. The certificate states that Codex Onboard Recorders meet rigorous standards set by ARRI and can perform tasks required when using the ALEXA camera in ARRIRAW mode, including recording the ARRIRAW T-link stream, showing a live preview while recording and playback of ARRIRAW images. Codex Digital received a similar certificate in 2008 for recording ARRIRAW from the ARRIFLEX D-21 camera for the Codex Studio Recorder.

"This is good news for Codex, but also for filmmakers who can now use the ALEXA camera with ARRIRAW in complete confidence," said Codex Digital Managing Director Marc Dando. "There is now a proven means to record imagery from the Alexa camera and deliver it to post production in its optimal format, ARRIRAW."

"Codex Digital has great recording and workflow technologies to support raw data," noted ARRI Head of Digital Workflow Solutions Henning Rädlein. "We are very pleased to provide Codex with this certification, filmmakers can now take advantage of the superior quality and enhanced flexibility provided by ALEXA and ARRIRAW."

Codex is prepared now to provide immediate support for productions using the ALEXA camera with ARRIRAW. Daruis Khondji was the first cinematographer to use the certified Codex Onboard Recorder, principle photography of "Amour" started on February 7th in Paris.

Codex Digital is the first maker of recording systems to receive ARRI's ARRIRAW T-Link certificate for the Alexa camera. The certification permits Codex to use the certificate label on its products, website and marketing materials.