Animation major and original animation content and services provider, Toonz Animation, based at the Technopark here, has taken another step towards expanding its activities for a larger international presence, with a joint venture with Canada-based Mediabiz. Toonz Animation CEO P Jayakumar said Toonz Entertainment Global , a new entity, had been set up as a production house based out of Montreal. The new company is a joint venture between Toonz Group and Mediamax International, Canada. Toonz Global will focus on both live action and animation genre productions. Jayakumar said a key objective of the Canadian unit was to take advantage of the benefits offered by the Canadian government and leverage it with the cost-arbitrage of production in India.

Current projects include Speed Racer and HTDT, both television series, with estimated budgets of $6.2 million each. Officials said the company expected projects worth $200 million in three years.

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