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International publisher Bigben Interactive in association with Marvel Entertainment has today announced Marvel Superheroes 3D: Grandmaster’s Challenge, a new adventure in the Marvel universe exclusively for Nintendo Wii. Set for release on 26th November, Marvel Superheroes 3D: Grandmaster’s Challenge will offer an alternative mix of strategy and action for Marvel fans of all ages.

The supervillain Grandmaster has imprisoned a quintuple of Marvel heroes – Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man and Wolverine – in a deadly game purely for his own amusement. The heroes are forced to play along and complete a variety of challenges designed to test their abilities to their limits as the Grandmaster manipulates them like pawns on his own private board game.

Amazing graphics and a good scare – Afterfall: Insanity will be released for PC and next-gen consoles in 2011

The Berlin publisher Just A Game secured the global sales rights in Afterfall: Insanity. The survival-horror-shooter from Nicolas Games uses the Unreal-3 engine and will be released for Windows PC, Xbox360 and PS3 in 2011. With its sinister post-apocalyptic setting and a very sophisticated story with various surprising twists and turns unusual for that genre, Afterfall: Insanity will cause an adrenaline rush in fans and newcomers to the genre alike.