CG Today : Stash media is one of the most popular and informative digital magazine, How Flying Flicks is involved with Stash Media services?

Chavan : Stashmedia were concentrating on B2B audience for the Hollywood visual effects industry. Now with Flyingflicks partnership in the mobile apps arena the magazine will be exposed to a worldwide audience hungry for VFX news from Hollywood.

CG Today : There are hundreds and thousands of animated content globally looking for prospective content distributors at any given time; are there any plans for Flying Flicks to enter into to this segment of business?

Chavan : Definitely Mobile apps is a new distribution platform for both animated as well as live action films. At present we are talking to producers of animated films as well as live action films to release their promos and after terrestrial distribution go in for mobile streaming of their full length films. In fact last week at Broadcast I reviewed a 3D HD camera from Panasonic, and was thinking loud if the technique of live action 3D shoot combined with 3d animated content is synchronized on an editing timeline, the final film will be a product of best of both the 3D worlds animated as well as live action.



CG Today : Streaming is certainly changing the face of the way we are exposed to advertising; your thoughts?

Chavan : The present business revenue for mobile apps is from subscription or one time stream. But with advertising starting on apps the ad network have going through Traditional / Print / Radio / TV / Theatrical will find venture territory untapped as yet - streaming on the mobile !

CG Today : Tell us about your experiences with IPTV

Chavan : I studied introduction of IPTV into India in 2007, but what I discovered is it requires at least a 100MBPS line to stream TV quality - which is a dream in India - with our great populace a 2MBS line is all we can afford to get. I saw in GBDTV in UK who run Playtv broadcast at 100MBS with over 200 IPTV stations subscribing through their system secondly with our cable TV network and DTH networks with over 50 channels to Indian homes we really do not require IPTV.

CG Today : Maverick Productions was responsible for at least two Bollywood productions. Tell us about being involved in this genre.

Chavan : When I joined Maverick Productions as Chief Operations Manager they were already into production of Dulha Mile Gaya and the next film we produced was Aloo Chat, both under executive management of my colleague Yusuf Sheikh. 'Aloo Chat' I personally liked the production experience as it was an out an out Punjabi culture 70's type of film. We were also in talks in those days to upcoming film star Chirag Paswan in a film. Finally under the able leadership of Dr.Anuj Saxena CEO of Maverick Productions, the film 'One and Only' is under production and will be launched early 2011.

During my tenure I also managed production and hosting the "The Gold Awards" India's first global television awards in Mauritius. It was a great experience taking the entire TV industry on a gamut abroad.

In the television division I was directly involved in production of serials such as "Such Hua Sapne Mere" for DD, Gupshup Coffee Shop for SAB TV, and Sare Ga Ma Pa for Zee. A family drama, a laugh riot, and a reality show respectively. All were very engaging and turned out to be great products in their respective genre.

CG Today : When you were Executive Producer for Indiainfobridge, your focus was educational media. Tell us more about that time in your career.

Chavan : Actually I started in the educational media prior coming to india. I set up interactive classroom systems for UAE. university, Higher College of Technology and Emirates Airlines. in Dubai. I configured touch control systems, projection system to remote classroom systems to build the earliest state of the art classrooms. When I worked as a producer in Indiainfobridge I produced educational software such as teaching phonetics through 2d animation films catering to the Northern American Educational board on Discovery's education portal called I also produced animation for Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. documentary film. Both setting up turnkey classroom systems and producing educational software were vibrant times.

CG Today : You started in the “sales” end of the industry. What makes a successful salesman? Did you learn skills from being in sales that have been of use to you throughout your career?

Chavan : A successful salesman will be only successful if he himself believes in his product or service he is selling. You should be able to associate with your product 24/7. Just as sweet painted ladies go on the streets to sell themselves a salesman has to go and sell his ware rain or shine. I have been on the road walking, trains, planes, buses to trucks from Chennai to Kuwait - been on the road selling photocopiers to bicycle manufacturers in Ludhiana, Ob Film Vans to Abu Dhabi TV, containers of used office equipment in war torn Lebanon, to resorts in Macau and Mauritius hosting TV award events for the rich and famous. You gotta sell u gotta to do it and might as well enjoy whilst doing it!

CG Today : It's fantastic! You adept at web site production and the making of commercials. How do these two arenas compare?

Chavan : Both this arenas are similar as well as different in their own arenas. Similar in the sense that you gotta to know your product inside out to create website or an ad for it. Different in the sense that for a website it is online interactive experience where you gotta hold the interest of the viewer for him to come again and again to experience it; whilst in an advert you have only 30 seconds to make the viewer into a client. Producing an advert is also far more complex and taxing then producing a feature film - with a feature film you have a couple of hours canvas to walk through, whilst in and you gotta pack everything in that golden 30 seconds!

CG Today : Has your business methodology been influenced by any company or businessman in particular?

Chavan : Earlier in my company I worked with Canon a Japanese giant and middle of my career path I worked for Steve Jobs Apple Computers. The Japanese believe in forecasting and planning their sales and marketing strategies where Americans are different - for example at Apple we introduced a scheme on computer's - called "kid's cant wait" to hawk off macs to school kids at a special price. My business methodology is a mix of both sides of the cake Japanese as well as American.

CG Today : It's a great insight, many thanks for sharing with CG Today; looking forward to great innovations from you in the New Media industry.

Chavan : Thanks and good luck to CG Today team.


Yash Chavan - Co - Founder / Marketing Consultant

Flying Flicks Media Private Limited.
Bangalore, India.

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Flying Flicks

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