Skiller is offering game developers a golden opportunity to integrate their games with the Skiller platform. Each developer who does so will receive $1,000.

Skiller SDK announces $1000Skiller, a leading provider of social mobile gaming platforms, announced today a special $1,000 promotion plan for every game developer, who develops a new game with Skiller SDK or integrate the Skiller SDK into his existing mobile games. The full promotion plan terms and conditions can be found in Skiller’s website.


The Skiller SDKs along with Skiller's social cloud are offered free to game developers. The Skiller social cloud abstracts a number of crucial features such as multiplayer game-play server, authentication service, messaging, monetization and analytics services, so that game developers can concentrate on developing their game logic rather than worrying about the social integration.

Skiller recently released its Java SDK, which joins its immensely popular Android SDK release, thereby enabling game developers to introduce a new social dimension in their existing and upcoming games.

Using the Skiller SDKs, game developers can provide complete inter-player interaction using a large variety of social features such as on-line multiplayer capabilities, comprehensive messaging system, leader-boards, personal profile, avatars and more.

The Skiller SDK integration is easy to implement and creates more traction and leads to longer game retention.

"By joining the special promotion plan game developers can start earning today!" said Nir Orpaz, Skiller's CEO. "Since the Skiller solution is platform agnostic which is compatible to most mobile device variations, we introduce our virtual currency system and our advanced monetization methods to as many developers as possible. This will allow game developers to sell game related virtual goods and make more money from their games, while enriching their game's social environment"

The Skiller platform currently hosts millions of games sessions each month, with players from more than 200 countries. Skiller users have experienced a truly social gaming experience over several mobile platforms, including J2ME, Android and Blackberry phones (WP7 and iPhone are coming soon).

Developers interested in learning more about Skiller's special $1,000 Promotion plan for game developers should visit the special promotion webpage