NiceshoesDesign, visual effects and color grading pros Nice Shoes have partnered with Engine Room Edit to offer Remote Color Grading to the Boston area. Nice Shoes has set up a remote suite at Engine Room Edit, and has begun providing Boston-based clients the same color grading experience that they would receive in Nice Shoes' New York studio. The partnership - the latest in a long string of collaborations between the companies - emerged from two primary concerns of Boston-area clients: 1) time and budget constraints often precluded a trip to New York for color grading, and, 2) the remote color grading solutions currently in place in the area were slow and unreliable.

"We needed a solution that met our clients' needs remotely without sacrificing production value or client experience," noted CEO/Partner Dominic Pandolfino. "Since technology that meets our quality requirements finally exists, all we needed was to find a partner. Engine Room Edit has been a leading editorial company in Boston for years, and we've developed a solid working relationship, so the decision to partner with them was easy. We're looking forward to offering clients a level of quality unlike anything currently being offered in the market space."

"Nice Shoes has a reputation for delivering high-quality services and innovative solutions to its clients," stated Engine Room Owner Don Packer. "This Nice Shoes Remote Color Grading setup is fast and simple, and will considerably enhance Engine Room Edit's capabilities.‬"

The service provides a live IP video feed of the color-grading session in New York and connects clients directly to a Nice Shoes colorist using Skype. The fast and reliable service supports both SD and HD on a studio-calibrated display.

According to Arnold Worldwide Executive Vice President and Director of Integrated Production, Bill Goodell, "It's great to have more local options for telecine without having to take a plane or train to New York. We have enjoyed wonderful relationships with Engine Room and Nice Shoes over the years and it's a smart move for them to partner together in offering these expanded services."